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The System

It follows the scheme of the CLM-system comprehending all its elements, all of which are fundamental parts of the teaching process.

Nella prima fase di Screening vengono effettuate 3 rilevazioni:

In the firts phase of Screening there are three different surveys:

- survey of the creative ability and definition of the students' individual costellations
- survey of group abilities
- survey of the three teacher's pillar and definition of his costellation

Before to plan the didactic unit, it's necessary to verify the competence and nature of the contents related to the learning process.

On the base of the precedent surveys, the teacher plans the didactic unit trought a specific didactic model: Actigava, which considers the 4 Learning Pillar.

At the end there will be a new survey of the abilities, in order to evaluate the learning process and to implement the didactic unit for improving the student's knowledge


I siti di creativ:

  • Creativ - il network delle idee
  • Iecr
  • animaeventi
  • creativ sociale
  • creativ menti
  • creativ educare
  • creativ formazione