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Ti trovi in: Home > The 4 Learning Pillars

The 4 Learning Pillars

The 4 pillars referring to the learner represent procedural possibilities or groups of activities by means of which learners’ abilities can be trained. The mindful and varied use of these pillars in the teaching helps create a context of opportunity to develop individuals’ complex creativities.

1. Dialectic group dynamics
Dialectic group dynamics enable the structuring and experiencing of learning experiences centred on a revision and selective implementation of Learning Together (one of the main trends of cooperative learning) and on the focused use of techniques of dialectic and creative group dynamics.

2. Simple game
The simple game enables to structure and to let individuals do experiences centred on ricreational activities which promote a favourable context for creativity, in that the presence and use of materials as well as the structure of games enable the development of curiosity, amazement, sense of adventure, imagination.

3. Empathetic problem solving
This pillar allows to structure and to let individuals do experiences centred on activities for the acquisition of competences related to problem solving and empathy, with the aim to emphasize the expression of different intelligences and abilities through the development of the adequate individual strategies of problem setting and problem solving, enriched by the empathetic approach, which favour mental flexibility and improve perception and the experience of reality as well as the capacity to restructure.

4. Focussing interaction
Focussing interaction enables to structure and to let individuals do experiences centred on activities which create a strong link between contents/disciplines with the learner’s reality and experiences, thereby favouring the development of his own creativity.


I siti di creativ:

  • Creativ - il network delle idee
  • Iecr
  • animaeventi
  • creativ sociale
  • creativ menti
  • creativ educare
  • creativ formazione